Today is day 23 of the 30 paintings in 30 days challenge! I managed to get a little ahead with my little birdie paintings, so I decided to start filling up my sketchbook with more bird studies. For today's post I wanted to write about the value of keeping a sketchbook.
I am a firm believer that keeping up with your drawing skills will help hone your painting skills, keep your creativity alive, but can also act as a wonderful, living resource for subject matter. What I love about a sketchbook is that it can bring you back to an earlier time and place in your life. It never ceases to amaze me of what I was capable of drawing back then, and helps me to find the confidence to keep at it. It's funny to read little blurbs about my life from a few years back too...a year can make a big difference in a life! Anyways...
Earlier this month I was at a loss for what to paint so I went to my book shelf where I keep all of my old sketchbooks from years past and I started flipping through. I found a wonderful sketch of a chicken/rooster. It was very linear and had great proportion, just what I was looking for in my sgrafitto style painting. Well, it came out awesome and since I posted it, I have two people who asked. Looks like I'll be making another one!
Anyways here are my paintings for days 22, 23 and 24, plus some bonus pictures of my recent birdie sketches. Click on the link in the title and you will arrive at my Etsy shop!
Day 22
Acrylic on 4" square by 1" deep gallery wrapped canvas
Day 23
Acrylic on 4" square by 1" deep gallery wrapped canvas
Day 24
Acrylic on 4" square by 1" deep gallery wrapped canvas
Sketchbook Studies
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