Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Thirty in Thirty Birdies

Well I was on a roll with the 30 paintings in 30 days challenge for over two weeks and then I fell out of my routine. I did get back into it today and managed to catch all the way up. Working on all of my paintings at once definitely united them as a group and I'm calling them my Thirty in Thirty Birdies!

 I'd be lying if I said this was the first time I've painted birds. Ever since I got back into painting back in the middle of 2014 birds just made their way into my paintings. I won't even start with the intention of painting a bird and then it just appears. I do love them though, so I'm going to just keep it up...

Now I will bombard this post with many pictures and time lapse videos to show the progress! By the way, my paintings are all for sale (at marvelously affordable prices) and will be added to my Etsy shop.

Day  14

Acrylic on 12'' square canvas

(this photo below is the under layer) 

Here's a time lapse showing part of the process! 

Day 15 

Acrylic on 12'' square canvas

Day 16
Acrylic on 12" square canvas

Day 17

Acrylic on 12" square canvas

Day 18 
Acrylic on 12" square canvas

Day 19 

"On the Prowl" 
Acrylic on 1 1/2'' by 3'' 

Thank you so much for checking in! I hope you enjoyed! Please email me and I encourage you to leave comments. I am still new to blogging, so if you have any advice, it is welcome here.

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