Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Creative Living

The practice of painting every night for almost two weeks is starting to feel like part of my routine, and I LOVE IT!  I hope this is the effect that the 30 in 30 challenge is said to have and will jump start my creativity and productivity. 
To supplement all of the creativity going on with the 30 in 30 challenge, I am reading "Big Magic - Creative Living Beyond Fear" by Elizabeth Gilbert.  Let me tell you, starting this now was PERFECT timing. Gilbert tells of her journey of becoming a best selling author in a way that relates to any creative individual, and guides the reader to care less about all the fears that come along with being a creator. She writes about persistence and how whenever she'd get a rejection letter, she'd immediately send out whatever was rejected to a new publication. I want to adopt this once I am ready to submit entries to galleries and competitions. Anyways, here is one of my favorite quotes from her book so far: 

"The older I get the less impressed I am with originality. These days I'm far more moved by authenticity. Attempts at originiality can often feel forced and precious, but authenticity has a quiet resonance that never fails to stir me. Just say what you want to say, and say it with all your heart. Share whatever you are driven to share. If it's authentic enough - believe me - it will feel original."

Anyways, here is my 12th painting:

"Feathers Afloat"
Acrylic on 8'' square

The process:                               

 13th painting: 

"Feathers Adrift" 
Acrylic on 8'' square 



  1. Thank you Sue! It's so funny how I'll have some paint colors that I just ignore for months and let sit and then BAM one day they just make sense for a palette and they finally get their time to shine!
